I will fix crawls errors or 404 pages of your website
Crawls errors or 404 pages may hamper your website ranking factors.
A 404 Not Found Error can mean big trouble for an online store and it’s customers. Sales and customer satisfaction will drop. It is lose-lose situation in Ecommerce.
For basic 2$-I will give you full report only (Full Report Of Your Website)
BUT IF YOU BUY MY GIG EXTRA (25 $) – I WILL FIX ALL…! Discuss before you order.
Type of Errors:
“404 Error”
“404 Not Found”
“The requested URL was not found on this server.”
“HTTP 404 Not Found”
“404 Page Not Found”
About my services:
Find out all crawls errors pages
Manually check all
301 manually redirection all errors pages
Fix on google webmaster
404 pages
Delivery with full report.
Please send me any feel free question
If you buy extra gig and you need to fix all by me so please provide me login details to your website to edit (admin dashboard) and cpanel (web-hosting) Login details
I’m here to help you so explain the issue in detail so I can understand your need and to resolve the issue asap.

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